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The Executive Committee & CFAC Representative

President = Pablo Chalmeta

Vice President = Tammy Parks

Secretary/Treasurer = Jonathan Allen

CFAC Rep/Parliamentarian = Megan Doney


Membership Invitation


Article I. Name


Article II. Purpose

该组织的宗旨是作为咨询机构参与制定, 执行和审查学院政策,并为学院提供手段,就其直接有关的事项采取行动.

Article III. Functions

The functions of the Faculty Assembly are:
1. 接受和分担管理和学生的责任,努力提高学院的地位和有用性.

2. To consider policies, programs and other matters as the administration, student organization, and individual faculty may propose.

3. 在学院大会认为适当及必要时,就学院事务发表意见.

4. 提供渠道和程序,使学院内部的沟通可以自由流动, fully and systematically.

5. 在适用于十大网赌软件推荐的法律范围内,建立有效的方法向行政当局提供意见和回应, the College Board and the State Board On College Affairs.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1. 成员资格-有资格成为教职员大会成员的人士须由十大网赌软件推荐的永久成员组成, 主要聘任为某一教学学科学术职称的专职教学人员. 分部主席及管理委员会级别以下的全职教师将有资格成为会员. 其他有资格成为会员的人员包括持有教职员职级但不负责管理教职员的非教学人员. Part-time faculty members may be a part of the Faculty Assembly, if they desire.

Section 2. 有表决权的成员-教员大会的有表决权的成员应由那些愿意支付象征性费用成为大会成员的个人组成, mutually agreed upon by the Executive Council.

Section 3. Guests - Those persons connected with the administration, 不符合会员资格的教职员工可能会被邀请不时参加教师大会会议和/或无投票权的活动.

Section 4. -有关新河学院代表大会其他成员资格的问题应由行政会议审议,其建议应提交新河学院代表大会投票表决.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Composition - The officers of the Faculty Assembly are: President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Parliamentarian.

Section 2. 校长-校长主持学院大会和行政会议的所有会议. 他/她将任命所有特别委员会,并在学术日历委员会和大学理事会会议上代表大会.

Section 3. 副主席-副主席将在主席缺席时代行主席职务.

Section 4. 秘书/司库-秘书/司库应保存所有定期大会的会议记录, Special, and Executive Council meetings and shall distribute Assembly minutes to all the faculty; he/she shall be responsible for the collection of dues, an accurate account of the budget, and sending cards and flowers, all as deemed by the Assembly.

Section 5. 国会议员-国会议员应在所有议会会议上决定议会程序问题.

Section 6. Eligibility – Any member of the Faculty Assembly may serve as an officer. Officers may be nominated from the membership as covered in Article IV, Section 1.

Section 7. 任期:主席和副主席的任期为两年, with an additional year if supported by the Assembly. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected as needed with no term limits. The past president will serve as Parliamentarian for a term of two years, with an additional year if necessary.

Section 8. 执行理事会-执行理事会由上述四名官员和每个部门的两名代表组成,并可根据需要作为一个单独的机构不时举行会议,审议与本组织治理有关的任何事项.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. Nominees for office shall be selected from the membership of Faculty Assembly. 官员名单应在每学年的最后一次例会上提交并表决. Section 2. Special Committees - The President shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Faculty Assembly, such special committees as are deemed necessary for the study of special problems. 各委员会委员的选任及其任期应由主席酌情决定.

Article VII. Meetings and Procedures

Section 1. 定期会议-如果有足够的需要,定期会议将在学年的每个月举行. The President will announce the exact hour and will publish the agenda. 教员大会的任何成员都可以在议程分发之前向校长提交事务.

Section 2. Special Meetings - Special meetings may be called by the President, upon one day's written notice, which shall contain the purpose for the meeting. No additional matters shall be brought before the meeting. If ten percent of the Faculty Assembly request a special meeting, the President will call a special meeting in accordance with Section 2, Paragraph 1.

Section 3. 法定人数-在学院大会的定期或特别会议上,多数有表决权的成员应构成法定人数. A quorum shall be required to conduct any business.

Section 4. 表决权-任何有表决权的教员大会成员都有权在任何教员大会会议上发言和投票. If a quorum be present, 除本章程另有规定外,出席会议的多数有表决权的成员所投的赞成票即为教员大会的行为. If a quorum is not present, 投票可以通过电子或书面选票的方式分发给有投票权的成员. 对于所有立法行动,在表决前应先对所述动议进行一读. Debate shall be closed only by a motion for the previous question. Such a motion requires a second and a majority vote. 除两名或两名以上成员要求进行无记名投票外,所有表决均应以举手或口头表决方式进行.

Section 5. Rules of Order - In all matters of procedure not specified herein, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be applied.

Section 6. 休会-每次会议只有在获得适当的附议并以多数票通过的动议后才能休会.

Article VIII. Amendment and Ratification

本章程应由会员在规定的会议上以法定人数的三分之二多数批准或修改. This document, prior to revision, 任何修正案应在审议批准或修正案的会议前至少5天以书面形式分发给各成员.


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